Twin flames reading from July 2, 2018 to July 8, 2018.

Twin flames reading from July 2, 2018 to July 8, 2018.

Welcome to Blessed Transcendance!

This week the universal energy should feel a little lighter. Both divine feminine and divine masculine are positive. They both are restoring their spiritual home. You are learning to express love through your heart. You are connecting with it, and should be feeling a little lighter. Universal energy is intervening. Both sides are on a bit of a high in one way or another. You are connecting with your surroundings on a physical plane, and you are also reaching higher states of consciousness. You are allowing himself to feel. I sense that you are really beginning to embrace your connection with the spiritual realm. You are thinking a lot about your counterpart. 

Divine Masculine 

Harmony and stability are coming your way. Love will be the essence of your situation. You are now getting new ideas, projects, products, or it can simply be a new way of being or thinking. You are in first stages of moving plans or ideas forward into their next stage of development. You now feel ready to step out and express yourself. The divine masculine is also experiencing a rush of emotion and allowing that energy to move freely. 

Your spirit is awakening and your intuition is talking to you. You’re beginning to mend the places where you were emotionally broken and torn apart and giving and accepting love in a new way. Maybe you want to ask for forgiveness. You may want to drop your guard down and let your feelings show because you’re at a point where you feel comfortable with who you are and you may not be so afraid to express that anymore. It’s almost like you can’t hide how you feel any longer. You know the feminine is special and you know you feel an intense spiritual connection towards her. There’s a sense of deep committed love and clear intention. There is great potential for happiness. 

Divine Feminine 

You are fully embracing your Divine Feminine and fully embracing your Divine Masculine. You are reflecting one another right now. The Divine Feminine is taking the lead in your life and continuing to move forward against all obstacles. You are pure fire energy this week and may be prone to tunnel vision. You are not wasting time on things that you believe will lead to nowhere. You have a visionary and goal-oriented energy. You are becoming very clear about what you want and how you’ll get there. Also you are taking care of your health and fitness. You are learning a lot about yourself and you won’t do things just for the sake of doing them. Your steps are measured and maybe even bolder. You are confident in your role as the master of you life. 

Even though your raging flame is being tempered, you still have the capacity to get where you want to be. However you should choose your words and actions more carefully. Maybe you used to ignored your feelings. Maybe you used to lose it however, now you’re channelling these energies to their most effective outcome. You are now becoming aware of how you could have better handled situations in the past, and now you can acknowledge how your behavior and attitude affected others around you. With self-discipline you’re learning to harness that energy in order to create something positive. You are now more confident to take risks and handle challenges better. You are breathing more at ease. 

Message for Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine altogether 

Overall, a troublesome cycle is finishing now. Don't be in a rush to move too quickly. Look at things the way they are and not as you need them to be. You are making awesome progress. This has been an extreme change however it is what is best for you. It is critical for you to know the torment of your past, yet don't give it a chance to be a weight to you. From the very beginning there were long-term plans that were determined, but these plans were only a small part of a larger plan. This energy is coming to its natural conclusion. There is a feeling of wholeness. 

With love,


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