Energy Reading From June 21 to September 22 (Solstice)

"Through effort you will cross any raging flood, through ENERGY you will pass any sorrow." - Buddha
Energy reading for the summer solstice.

Overall energy

The energy is very light. This energy will stay throughout June 21 all the way to September 22. Changes are coming. Try to release things that are not working for you. Align yourself to what you are doing right now. The energy coming with the summer solstice is positive, though, it feels like a little conflict will arise towards the final month of summer. You need to carry the energy of the month of June-July to move forward. This is the season of partnership and reaching out . You are seaking validation for your opinions, but this actions are coming from and ego attitude of always being right. The communication process will come with challenges because everybody is trying to express their opinions, therefore some of them are not being listened. Someone will validate who you are.

Positive things will come out, team work will bring new projects and ideas to the table. It is a time for new beginnings. There are going to be a lot of awakenings happening. Those who awaken will have a point of view that will allow them to see the world with different eyes because their vibration is actually different.

First month. From June to July.

Very positive energy is coming. It’s a month to be reaching out. Ask for other to help you so you can be more at ease. It is a month of communication. Feelings are being put out there. There will be energy, and movement. This is a time to be working on new projects. Finances will get better because you are working really hard. The communication will get better and you will make a better income. There will be an energy of Abundance. You are being productive and getting ideas out there. You are building a momentum of a positive and happy place.

Second month. From July to August

With all of the communication sharing happening the previous month, one has to be very careful. Maybe communication is coming from the ego. Wanting everyone to listen to you, or agree with you. Be careful not to fall in codependency. Feelings are involve. And you will surrender. But try to be strong. So you don’t get obsessed with emotions on someone, or something. Things are changing arround and you will see the world differently. You might get a sense of hopelessness, or depression. Look out for negative feelings, remember that you don’t have to struggle.

Third month. From August to September.

The energy will be that of fear. Worrying and stress may take over. Previous month was coming from depression for some of you. Try to stay grounded and try to put yourself together. You are not going to be fully align body, mind and soul. Whatever happens in this month will bring you some consequences in the future so be careful. A lot of people will be going through a place of fear.

Message from the Angels for the summer.

Remember that there’s always a positive outcome in every situation. Use challenges to make yourself stronger. It is the prefect time to be working on your healing.

First month. From June to July.

Festive energy will come your way. Appreciate it. Heal yourself. Think of this month as planning for the months ahead. Try to be positive throughout changes. Take advantage of the full moon to do some healing. The enormous source of energy will carry you to achieve the things that you need to do. Positive vibes are here.

Second month. From July to August.

Write your affirmations and say them at loud, wether in public or private, while working out or else. This will help you achieve your goals. Be mindful of what words comes through your mouth. Try to say things from a place of love instead of a place of fear.

Third month. From August to September.

Blessings and miracles are happening. This is a time to be grateful. The angels will be with you throughout your struggles, they will listen to your prayers. If you feel lonely try to stay connected. Everything will work out in the end. Although there are things you need to work on. Meditation will help you. Take time to understand your fears and emotions, you may need to let go of things.

In general remain positive.
With love,


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