The fifth dimension- Ascension cycle
“In real existence there is only unity”. - Rumi
Our planet is currently undergoing the fifth dimension, which means people is more aware, affectionate and can empathize better with others around. This is an overall energy of love. Negative energies are being wash away. Everybody is choosing the best version of themselves and are in the process of becoming one single consciousnesses. This Ascension Cycle will be asking each individual to pick a side, they will either join the positive or the negative side. However the positive energy is causing our planet to raise so that old/useless structures are falling. In this time ego will be defeated and mankind will align to positive energy. Though negativity had been the way in previous times because the number of people vibrating at that level were a lot. Yet, the rising on the level of consciousness are preparing us through affectionate and compassionate attitudes.
The advancement of cognizance happens dynamically. Every part of consciousness end game is to be mindful of itself and have the capacity to accomplish solidarity with everything (living being) that God’s made. Our main goal, therefore, is to understand that we are unified with the universe. All things exude from a similar source, and everybody is a piece of that source. Hence everything is divine. But how is it that we can reach unity? It is through opposites. For example it is through dread that we can understand love.
To get inside the fifth dimension, we should first be thankful for everyone. This level of awareness has given us the chance to claim back our power. It has given a physical involvement in which our spirits have learned courage, trust, confidence, instinct, quality, forgiveness, authority, equity, and so on. In the midst of all murkiness, love and light have won on the Planet, pushing the human development to more elevated amounts of consciousness. All encounters have been showing us the significance of empathy, generosity, and so forth. Everything comes from and is the is the Divine. That self experiences to get to unison. Finally, each individual will be educated, so that our spirits get rid of the remanence of division inside us and we can venture into better approaches with each other. By serving others, we are additionally serving ourselves and the Divine. Therefore, we can live in unity as Rumi stated that “In real existence there is only unity”. In this mindset we will be able to love genuinely one another.
Main thing to remember through this Ascension Cycle is that we are not enemies, but friends. We are here to do the right, and if we heal ourselves we heal others. If we help others we will help the world. The Divine is healing itself, be aware and be grateful to be here at this time because you are precious.
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