Love for humanity

Love for humanity.

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." (john 4:7)

   To see the face of God in one another is to leave our judgements behind. God embraces us even if we make mistakes. God accepts us. Gods got us. So we must accept the different opinions that people have, because if we aren’t accepting peoples rights to have a voice and we are fighting against them, then we are fighting towards the very thing we don’t accept about ourselves. We must be respectful to others because we never know what situation they have been through. 

We can only love the humanity if we carry love in our hearts. The main thing to remember is that we are one, we are in this together and know that we shouldn’t walk behind or ahead of anyone, we should walk beside each other. Everyone deserves love and understanding. As god loves us.

So how can we live a more peaceful life? By not taking things to heart. On an stressful situation we must take time to think before we speak, we must realize that nothing is good or bad, it just happens without adjective. Remember that everything happens in god’s timing. You will have hardship and you will struggle but when you find yourself judging another person, stop for a minute and remember you carry the universe within you. So look inside your heart and see the love for humanity.



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